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How To Ethically Encourage Good Online Reviews

November 21 2015 , Written by Jeremy T. Bornstein Published on #Online Reviews for Your Veterinary Hospital

How To Ethically Encourage Good Online Reviews

The world of the internet has completely changed how business and marketing works. Before the internet existed in everyone's pockets, most people had to look up information on a business via word of mouth. Occasionally, they would be able to read a local newspaper or magazine, and find a segment on popular local businesses.

These days, people can simply look up information on the internet. They can type the name of your business into their smartphone device, and within seconds have tons of customer reviews. This can be an issue for many businesses, but especially for a business such as a veterinary hospital. This is because medical services often offered when a person is already in the upset. In the case of a vet's office, it's not themselves that is in pain, but rather, their beloved pet. This means that it can be very easy for a person to be upset at the illness or possible death of their pet, and leave a bad online review. It's not your fault; you did everything right. But their beloved pet is ill, and they lash out.

Due to that fact, it's incredibly important that you get as many positive online reviews as possible. How can you do that, and do so ethically? If you're not worried about ethics, you can always just pay people for online reviews, or even hire someone to write them for you. That runs the risk of backfiring should people find out.

If you're looking for a good way to get positive reviews ethically, it's a good idea to make it easy for people to do so. You can give them a reminder on their medical bill, which is always a good idea. But you can also do things that make their overall visit a bit more positive. Obviously offering a discount for positive reviews would be unethical, but there's nothing wrong with offering small freebies such as pet treats.

You can also set up a free to use computer station in your waiting room. You can put up a sign that suggests people leave a review of their experience, and even have the vet or the office workers remind them on their way out.

Encouraging positive reviews is a matter of doing your job, and reminding people that it's important. When you do those things, you encourage people to go online and talk about their experience.

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